A webinar on` Silent Heroes: Unveiling the Church’s Mission to Refugees 29 July 2024, 7:30- 9:00pm (+5:30) You can join the Zoom Meeting either by clicking the link below or using the Meeting ID & Password https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86537113275?pwd=YjdlZzNDQVJ0Z1ZLQU1PZU9yRFhxQT09 Meeting ID: 865 3711 3275Passcode: 703118 Panel Speakers: Mike Broomell, Managing Director, Colliers Indonesia Sayed S K…
Global Gender Gap Report 2024: A Biblical Call for Gender Parity
Gender is one of the most debated issues in the church, rooted deeply in biblical narratives and theological interpretations. According to Genesis 1:26–31, God created humankind in His image, making them male and female. Both were blessed and called to rule, multiply, and nurture children, and everything God made was deemed very good. However, sin…
08 June- UN World Oceans Day & The Blue Theology
I lived in the Maldives, a tiny island nation boasting pristine white-sand beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and vibrant coral reefs. Thousands flock to these shores every year to dive deep and explore the ocean’s hidden wonders. I spent hours captivated by the underwater world: reef sharks gliding by, giant stingrays leaving swirling sand trails, and…
Stewarding Creation: World Environment Day 2024’s Focus on Land Restoration
This year’s World Environment Day campaign emphasizes the critical need for land restoration, addressing desertification, and enhancing drought resilience under the poignant slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a nation with significant desert landscapes and emerging environmental initiatives, is set to host the 2024 World Environment Day global…
World No Tobacco Day: Honoring Our Bodies as Temples of God
May 31st marks World No Tobacco Day, a time for Christians to reflect on the importance of honoring our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). Tobacco use directly contradicts this calling, bringing both physical and spiritual harm. The World Health Organization (WHO) established World No Tobacco Day in 1988, raising awareness…
A World in Need of a Shepherd: A Christian Perspective on the Summit of the Future
This September, world leaders gather in New York for a momentous occasion: the Summit of the Future. As Christians, we are called to be engaged citizens, informed by our faith. The Summit seeks solutions – a “Pact for the Future” – to the challenges plaguing humanity. But where do we look for the “how”? The…
Recognizing and Resisting Violence
The world, since the dawn of man, has known the stain of violence. Yet, the Lord our Shepherd calls us to be peacemakers, to love our neighbors, even those different from us. But how can we act when whispers of hatred turn to threats of annihilation? The scriptures offer wisdom in discerning the rise of…
The State of Our Forests: A Call to Action
Forests, the Earth’s lungs, are in a critical state. Data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) paints a concerning picture: we’ve lost an estimated 420 million hectares of forest globally since 1990, an area larger than the European Union. Deforestation for agriculture, logging, and development cuts into these vital ecosystems at an alarming rate.…
WORLD MALARIA DAY- Corona Overshadows Malaria Campaign
WORLD MALARIA DAY Corona Overshadows Malaria Campaign Manoj Varghese World over, April 25th is observed as Malaria Day. The corona pandemic and several other diseases like TB, cancer and HIV/AIDS have overshadowed the campaign against malaria in the recent past from several parts of the world. As per the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, over…
COP26- What did we achieve? What next?
Photo Credits: Kuki Rokhum By Salathiel Nalli With around 40,000 delegates and many more civil society participants, COP26 became the biggest climate conference ever. The conference which is aimed at reducing emissions has emitted an estimated 100,000 tonnes of Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during the conference! COP26 is the short form of ‘United Nations…